Hello everyone,
This is my first ever blog post, I don't know how I feel about it but I think it would be good to let you all know about Kaleido and the reason why I launched it.
Kaleido was launched first and foremost for Autism Awareness in a subtle casual way. The idea came to me a few years ago when an incident happened with my nephew. Tyler is the reason there is a huge passion for Kaleido and raising awareness.
The name Kaleido stands for Kaleidoscope with the meaning SEE AUTISM DIFFERENTLY. People that deal with Autism on a daily basis are unique wonderful people that overcome alot of stress and battles everyday.
The main objective is to generate an awareness, understanding and togetherness. I want a family to see Kaleido and have the feeling of not being alone in the autism journey and that other people understand the highs and lows of Autism.
Soon, Kaleido will be running different events designed around the Autism community to help families with days out. We are also planning on running information events to build an understanding of Autism, this will be for everyone build a much needed knowledge of Autism and how we can see autism differently.
Thanks for reading